Practical guide to choosing the right adhesive coating: Tips for designers and installers
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Practical guide to choosing the right adhesive coating: Tips for designers and installers

May 24, 2024

1) Identify the project and the customer's needs

In order to choose the adhesive covering best suited to a space and the customer's needs, it's essential to assess the project beforehand.

Make sure it's feasible and, above all, long-lasting. It's therefore essential to know the nature of the space to be renovated or decorated, its function, but also a few characteristics such as the overall average temperature of the area, the humidity level, etc. This information will help you determine whether your work can ensure that the self-adhesive covering will be installed with the right quality and will hold up well over time.

It's also essential to know the surface to be covered, the aesthetic desired by the customer and his budget. Don't hesitate to ask the customer as many questions as possible, so you can pinpoint his needs and propose the film that will best meet his expectations.

2) Choosing the design for the adhesive coating

Choosing the design is a decisive step in the installation of self-adhesive coverings. Once you've identified your customer's tastes and requirements, choose an aesthetic that matches the desired ambience of the interior to be renovated. Ask yourself which style will best suit the project: plain or patterned?

Also consider texture and finish. Cover Styl offers a wide range of self-adhesive films for walls and furniture. A variety of materials, finishes, colors, tones and shades that will satisfy your customers' tastes and enable you to bring your decorating project to fruition.

3) Discuss your project with your customers before applying the wall film

Before covering the walls with the chosen covering, be sure to present your suggestions to the customer. Cover Styl can provide samples for designers and installers specializing in decoration. Show them to your customers to make sure you're hitting the nail on the head. Help them project themselves into the decor you've imagined for them.

4) Choose quality adhesive coverings

To guarantee your customers an installation that lives up to their expectations, it's essential to opt for high-quality cladding. As a renovation professional, your aim is obviously to satisfy your customers' tastes and expectations.

The quality of the product will determine not only the final look, but also the durability and longevity of the coating. Cover Styl 's self-adhesive wall films are highly resistant to scratches, rubbing and fading due to weathering and UV rays. Our films are also easy to maintain, guaranteeing long product life and customer satisfaction.