Why Cover Styl : Wide range of textures, patterns, finishes and colours.
It looks like marble, but it's not: we stylists often have to resort to a few tricks to create the perfect set. Like making sets with the help of adhesive vinyl covers that simulate fine materials, finishes and colours effortlessly! These by Cover Styl are so realistic that you hardly notice the differences with the real materials. One of the most striking features is the wood, with its embossed grain - it's something crazy!
Camilla Corradi - Instagram @latazzinablu
Non vediamo l'ora di scoprirlo e di aiutarvi a realizzarlo! Cliccate qui sotto e compilate il modulo con la vostra richiesta. Un esperto Cover Styl vi contatterà al più presto per discutere le vostre idee e aiutarvi a trovare il prodotto perfetto in base alle vostre superfici e ai vostri desideri. Contattaci